
2020 Pope Cyril IV Scholarship: Creating a Path for Future Influencers
For those of us not well-acquainted with Pope Cyril IV (not to be confused with the well-known, Pope Cyril VI), he was a man of God who accomplished much during his relatively short papacy, serving as the 110th Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of St. Mark....

Defending Innocence in Egypt: How Our Children Learn to Protect Themselves
On an afternoon, like most days, Mina was walking home from school. But little did Mina know, this day would be unlike any other. It would be a day that he would remember for years to come. Mina was stopped by a stranger, a young man in his 20s, who seemed...

How Can We Protect Our Children in Egypt This Holiday Season?
Jesus said, “Let the little children come unto me, and do not forbid them: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” -Matthew 19:14 This holiday season, I know you will have the opportunity to embrace your children and tell them how much you love them… I know you are...

Thank You for the Most Memorable Night!
As this year's gala, we were so happy to honor and celebrate the “Good and Faithful Servants” in our community, like Dr. Andrew Abraham and Dr. Raymond Schinazi. So, in celebration and gratitude, I'd like to share photos from the gala and invite you to share them with...

Letters from the Field: Love is the Best Teacher
A widowed mother stands outside her home in Egypt (As told by a Volunteer Rep in Upper Egypt) I first met Sarah about a year ago, when she and her sons first joined the Not Alone...

Younan Eshage, Area Program Manager of Middle Egypt, conducts a workshop for widowed mothers Mona, a widow living in Upper Egypt, has three children, two boys and girl. Her husband died in 2013. Mona joined the Coptic Orphans Workshops for Mothers in 2018. She was...

What are We Doing to Heal the Trauma of Our Children?
Painting by Artist Engy Ibrahim Marzouk, Not Alone Program graduate This Easter, I hope you all had an opportunity to embrace your children and sit and talk with them around a wonderful meal....

Mena Massoud’s Charity of Choice is Coptic Orphans
May 31, 2019 -- Washington D.C. Nearly all Millennials remember Disney’s 1992 breakout hit Aladdin, based on a tale from 1001 Arabian Nights. So when our news-feeds alerted us that a 28-year-old Coptic-Canadian actor, Mena Massoud, was chosen to play the lead role in...

At Coptic Orphans, It’s Not Just a Job. It’s a Calling
As we move into the summer of 2019, I am delighted to report that Coptic Orphans is growing. This year, we expect to receive critical funding from the U.S. government. With these modest funds, Coptic Orphans can expand to meet the needs of thousands of more children...

Coptic Orphans Announces the Appointment of New Board Member Mona Azer
May 16, 2019, Washington D.C.—Coptic Orphans today announced the appointment of Mona Azer, Director of Information Technology at Fluence Energy, to its Board of Directors.“Mona brings incredible talents to Coptic Orphans at an auspicious time of growth for our...
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