For thousands of children who have lost their fathers, their life will be a difficult one. But you can change all that.
Your donation will release them from the grip of poverty. You will open to them access to quality education, healthcare, and most importantly, the assurance that God is watching over them.
Today, thousands of children are waiting to enter into that assurance. Your loving gift will open the floodgates.
Please donate today to bring urgently needed support to a needy child.
Make Your Tax Deductible Gift Today
35 years of Coptic Orphans’ work for the children:
86,000 Children’s lives transformed
Working in 850 villages across Egypt
925 Church-based volunteers mentor the children in their own homes
410 Youth-led Community
Service Projects
214 Community Development
Partnerships accelerating our impact
66 Dioceses in Egypt include Coptic Orphans in their services
Integrity | Spirit of Service | Excellence
Gemyana Won’t Give Up on her Dream
Gemyana is a young woman from a village in Upper Egypt. Her family didn’t have much money when she was growing up, so she couldn’t go to school and experience a normal, carefree childhood. However, Gemyana was determined to learn, so she asked a teacher in her village...
Egypt, the Land of Miracles
Today’s guest post comes from Harvy Barsoom, a fellow who attended The 21 in July of 2022. We asked Harvy to write about his time in Egypt and share the parts of his experience that stood out the most to him. In today’s post, Harvy shares what he learned about the...
A Powerful and Humbling Experience
Today’s guest post comes from Philip Bishara, a fellow who attended The 21 in June of 2022. We asked Philip to write about his time in Egypt and share the parts of his experience that stood out the most to him. In today’s post, Philip shares what he learned about...
Accountability & Transparency
“As we thank the Lord for this blessed service, we would also like to thank everyone who supports you in implementing these activities and programs in the field of education, which is the key solution for the developmental and social problems in Egypt, and for developing good citizens for their country and Church. May the Lord bless this vibrant service and reward you! With our love for the management and the staff and all the volunteers!”
– His Holiness Pope Tawadros II, June 16, 2017
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