Mina during his Master’s graduation ceremony at Florida International University
“I didn’t hear about Coptic Orphans—I experienced Coptic Orphans”
‘How could such help exist?’
The phone rang at our office. It seemed like a routine call at first, but it was far from it.
“Hi, I want to make a donation to Coptic Orphans,” the caller said.
Our staff member replied warmly, “We’d be happy to assist you. How did you hear about us?”
“I didn’t hear about Coptic Orphans—I experienced Coptic Orphans,” the voice on the other end
said, filled with emotion. “I was a child in the program. I graduated in 2011, and now I want to give
You could say this story began with a Google search. But it really began 20 years ago when a man
showed up at the doorstep of a little boy in Aswan offering a unique opportunity.
Years later, Mina told guests at Coptic Orphans Christmas event in DC, “As he [the rep] explained it
to my mother and me—the monthly financial support, and the regular visits to monitor my academic
and personal needs—my mother and I could barely comprehend what was happening.”
“We couldn’t believe it. How could such help exist? And why?”
“The only way I could interpret it was that God had carried this man and placed him at our
doorstep. How? I don’t know.”
Thanks to years of nurturing by his volunteer rep, Morcos, and a loving sponsor, Mina earned
advanced degrees that took him to universities in Palermo and Florida.
But succeeding in life was not enough. One day, wanting to help others as he had been helped, Mina
searched online for Coptic Orphans to donate.
The gift Mina made that day closed the circle, connecting the love of God, his sponsor’s love, and
Mina’s love for children who faced the same heartbreaking obstacles he had.
That day, because of God, and the generosity of people like you, the Coptic Orphans mission came
You know the mission’s first part: We work together as God’s hands, transforming the lives of
thousands of fatherless children with education, unlocking their God-given talents to overcome
In the second part, these fatherless children grow up and become leaders for good, lifting up other
children who have been orphaned and heartbroken.
That is the story of Mina, which is making me so happy, because I met him when he was that little
boy in Aswan. Now, he has just graduated with his second Master’s degree from Florida International
And these are the parting words Mina shared with us, at the Coptic Orphans Christmas event: “No one
outgives God in generosity. So may all your giving be for His sake, and may He bless you a