by Nermien Riad | Jun 12, 2019 | Child Protection, Issues That Impact Children in Egypt, Women, Workshops
Younan Eshage, Area Program Manager of Middle Egypt, conducts a workshop for widowed mothers Mona, a widow living in Upper Egypt, has three children, two boys and girl. Her husband died in 2013. Mona joined the Coptic Orphans Workshops for Mothers in 2018. She was... by Nermien Riad | Jun 5, 2019 | Child Protection, Issues That Impact Children in Egypt
Painting by Artist Engy Ibrahim Marzouk, Not Alone Program graduate This Easter, I hope you all had an opportunity to embrace your children and sit and talk with them around a wonderful meal.... by Nermien Riad | Apr 16, 2019 | Sponsorship
As a Coptic Orphans sponsor, you’re making a powerful difference with your monthly gift of $60. Before you even ask how your $60 is spent, we have the answer. Here is how it roughly breaks down. Education: You support your child’s education by paying for books,... by Nermien Riad | Mar 28, 2019 | Uncategorized
Coptic Orphans participants never cease to amaze us. Over the years, we’ve had many of our Not Alone students graduate from prestigious universities to become successful doctors, pharmacists, and engineers. Recently, we learned that one of our students is on the verge... by Nermien Riad | Jan 31, 2019 | Diaspora
Every day here at Coptic Orphans, I am reminded of the fact that God’s blessings come in every form, shape, and size. A beautiful blessing arrived in our Sydney office the other day in the form of a child’s piggy bank in the shape of an Australian Football...