Face-to-Face With God’s Love

Face-to-Face With God’s Love

*Names and images changed to protect the privacy of the child. Today’s guest post comes from Mark Voss, Coptic Orphans’ Communications Manager. Mark joined our team last year, but his affiliation with Coptic Orphans stretches back to 2007 when he became a sponsor for...
It was the first time I felt love back…

It was the first time I felt love back…

Daniel and his students in his classroom. A photo is worth 1,000 words This is another entry in the “A photo is worth 1,000 words” from Serve to Learn volunteers. This one is from Daniel Shoukry, who just got back from the 2019 Jan-Feb Serve to Learn trip....
My Brother From Another Mother

My Brother From Another Mother

When little Theo’s school teacher saw his family tree, she asked him with a puzzled look on her face, “I thought you only had one younger brother. Who else did you draw there?” “This is my brother who lives in Egypt!” Theo exclaimed. “Egypt?” His teacher asked...