by | Mar 4, 2019 | Diaspora, Sponsorship
*Names and images changed to protect the privacy of the child. Today’s guest post comes from Mark Voss, Coptic Orphans’ Communications Manager. Mark joined our team last year, but his affiliation with Coptic Orphans stretches back to 2007 when he became a sponsor for...
by Nermien Riad | Aug 31, 2018 | Coptic Church, Visits to Egypt
Today’s guest post comes from Fr. Michael Sorial, a dear friend of mine and priest serving at St. Anianus Coptic Orthodox Church in central New Jersey. Fr. Michael is the President and co-founder of Agora University, an online private Orthodox Christian...
by Nermien Riad | Apr 12, 2018 | Visits to Egypt
Dear Friends, I’m so happy to share with you a reflection from a long-time generous supporter of Coptic Orphans, Dr. Kamal Ibrahim from Chicago, who had the opportunity to go on a field visit to Egypt to see our work in action. Here’s what he had to say. –...
by Nermien Riad | Mar 9, 2018 | Diaspora
Renee visiting one of her sponsored children. Dear Sponsors, Did you know that every year, over 100 sponsors from all over the world travel to Egypt to visit their children in their homes? And every year, I love to listen to the stories of how the visits change both...