by Nermien Riad | Oct 1, 2013 | Coptic Church, Egypt Church-Based Volunteers, Egypt Revolution
“Our house is engulfed in flames. Hurry before they kill us.” The distressed sister of our volunteer Rep Saeed placed a frantic call for help as the pro-Morsi mob burnt down her house in Diabiya, Beni Suef. With these words ringing loud, Rep Saeed raced out to...
by Nermien Riad | Aug 27, 2013 | Approaches to Charity and Development, Egypt Church-Based Volunteers
Imagine being the only young Christian woman left in a small village in Egypt’s south. Would you be intimidated enough to leave? When Soheir lost her husband, she knew she had to face her community, one that looked down on women in general and Christian women in...
by | Aug 8, 2013 | Approaches to Charity and Development, Coptic Church, Diaspora, Egypt Church-Based Volunteers
The Hudson Institute just published a report on philanthropic freedom worldwide. It’s an interesting read if you want a global perspective on how easily–or not-so-easily–charities run around the world. But some figures it cites (from another study)...
by Nermien Riad | May 15, 2013 | Approaches to Charity and Development, Coptic Church, Diaspora, Egypt Church-Based Volunteers
Susanna stood with her head held high, telling her story to His Holiness Pope Tawadros II, hundreds of volunteer Reps, and Coptic Orphans staff at St. Mark’s Cathedral on March 31. When she lost her father, extended family members took advantage of the family’s... by | Apr 26, 2013 | Approaches to Charity and Development, Coptic Church, Diaspora, Egypt Church-Based Volunteers
On March 31, 2013, hundreds of Coptic Orphans volunteers, along with key staff, met with His Holiness Pope Tawadros II at St. Mark’s Coptic Orthodox Cathedral in Cairo. Here is His Holiness’ evaluation of Coptic Orphans based on personal involvement with...
by Nermien Riad | Feb 19, 2013 | Egypt Church-Based Volunteers, Issues That Impact Children in Egypt, Issues:Education
One afternoon, Demiana came home from school and broke down, sobbing. Her mother tried to console her and contacted Rep Mariam for support. Rep Mariam asked Demiana several questions encouraging her to tell what happened and Demiana started crying again. Then, the...