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His Grace Anba Angaelos with the children’s choir of St. Mary and St. Abanoub.

On October 1, nearly a hundred and thirty Copts gathered with His Grace Bishop Angaelos at the Coptic Centre in Stevenage for a different kind of talent show: a talent show not focused on self-expression, but a collective expression of support by the Coptic community abroad for those in Egypt.

The Copts Got Talent event, organized by Coptic Orphans, was meant to ignite the imaginations of participants to realize that their talents and skills could enhance the lives of the fatherless and widow in Egypt. Pride about being able to get connected to God’s work in Egypt prevailed in the event’s overall mood. “Yes, God has given us talents,” one participant said, “but we want to use those to help children in Egypt.”

Simple glass awards recognized the participation of all who came to perform. In fact, it seemed that the cause was the main reward of the evening. Participants cheered one another’s performances enthusiastically. Over 34 orphaned children received sponsors through the event.

Children took a leading role in the event. The Leads-based choir of St. Mary and St. Abanoub, a Sunday school-led children’s choir involved children as young as three.  They worked together to choose their own hymns and develop their own choreography. The choir performed alongside talented young English musicians, poets, and artists from other area churches.

“We are very proud of our youth. We are doing a lot to help the children [of Egypt] and God is blessing this ministry abundantly,” Bishop Angaelos said.

Bishop Angaelos says he plans on presenting the awards at similar talent shows in 2012. “Copts Got Talent will be coming wherever there is a strong Coptic Diaspora, where there are talents waiting to be shared for the sake of Egypt,” Coptic Orphans executive director Nermien Riad said.

The next Copts Got Talent events will occur in Sydney and Chicago during the summer of 2012, and in Toronto during October.