Did You Know?

Did You Know?

Did you know Coptic Orphans translates over 12,000 letters between children and sponsors each year?

Saving Fragile Lives

Saving Fragile Lives

I’m sure you’ve heard about the train that plowed into a schoolbus in Assiut a few weeks ago. This tragic accident killed nearly 50 children on their way back from school. We have many children in Assiut, but thankfully none were victims. These little children had to...

A Rare Opportunity

A Rare Opportunity

I'm excited to tell you about a rare opportunity to double your impact in Egypt this coming year. You might have heard that over the last few years, more and more of our children have gotten covered with high quality health insurance. This is great news, because...

A Diocese for Children?

His Holiness Pope Tawadros II gave an interview earlier this month on a variety of topics. One of the more interesting ideas he mentioned is a new bishopric for children and their unique needs in the Church. He said,       I have many dreams for the...

Three Approaches to Poverty, Part II: The Rights-Based Approach

We saw in the last post that the charity approach starts with needs. A rights-based approach, unlike a needs-based approach, sees deprivation and the inability to pursue ones’ potential not just as tragedy, but an injustice. Therefore, a development, or rights-based...

Three Approaches to Poverty, Part I: The Charity Approach

Three Approaches to Poverty, Part I: The Charity Approach

The Bible gives us many straightforward commands to care for the poor. But when we go out to put those words into action and actually tackle poverty, we run into all sorts of questions: how do we do this without doing more harm than good? What's the best way to...

Street Kids in Egypt

When Magda lost her father, she and her mother had to go and live with her uncles. At first, things went well. But after a while, Magda's uncles started feeling the financial pinch. They started pressuring Magda's mother to send Magda away to her grandmother, or for...

A Message of Hope

A Message of Hope

I was on Facebook the other day and saw this picture. The tears in this little girl’s eyes sum up the situation in Egypt for me, yet the quote struck me. There is so much suffering. Basma* is terrified to go to school even fully veiled. She has to brave intimidation...


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