by Nermien Riad | Sep 22, 2014 | 25th Anniversary
Dear Friends, Today, I’d like to share the words of Nevine Iskander, who heads up our office in Australia. Exciting things you all are doing Down Under! — Nermien Riad I’m often amazed by the way God works here in Australia. Here on this huge...
by Nermien Riad | Sep 19, 2014 | 25th Anniversary
Dear Friends, I’m excited to share this YouTube video invitation to the Coptic Orphans 25th Anniversary Gala in Canada on Sept. 28! It’s an incredible honor that His Holiness will be there in person to accept the Leading by Example Award, and... by Nermien Riad | Sep 9, 2014 | 25th Anniversary
I’m excited to begin sharing stories about the people we’re honoring at our 25th Anniversary Galas in Australia, Canada, and the United States. At all three Galas, we’ll be presenting the Leading by Example Award, which honors pioneers whose... by Nermien Riad | Aug 29, 2014 | 25th Anniversary
You may already know that His Holiness Pope Tawadros II is doing Coptic Orphans a huge honor by accepting the Leading by Example Award in person at our 25th Anniversary Gala in Canada on Sept. 28. But the other day I realized that many people don’t know the...