His Holiness Pope Tawadros II meets with Coptic Orphans employees and volunteers in Cairo.
Do you want a career where you can grow professionally and make a difference in the lives of orphans and widows in Egypt? Coptic Orphans has openings for dedicated professionals who want to join a team that has been working to improve the lives of Egypt’s most vulnerable children for over 25 years.
Here is how His Holiness Pope Tawadros II assessed Coptic Orphans in 2013, when, in a great blessing, he held a special meeting with staff and volunteers in Cairo:
I’m glad to have joined you in this ministry… I regard it very highly… administratively it’s excellent. Ten out of ten. From the practicality angle, and perceiving people’s unique needs, ten out of ten… it’s a good example of management that I hope one day the Church structure can emulate.
By God’s grace, we’re growing and inviting applications from skilled, professional candidates for these positions:
United States (Fairfax, VA)
Donor Relations Director
Human Resources Manager
Human Resources Associate
Communications Associate
Canada (Montreal)
Donor Relations Associate
Australia (Sidney)
Donor Relations Associate
Egypt (Cairo)
Human Resources Manager
Area Program Manager – Upper Egypt, Lower Egypt
Operations Director
Field Coordinator – Middle Egypt, Lower Egypt
IT Associate
Programs Director
Field Coordinator – Minya
United Kingdom (London)
UK Regional Manager
For a full listing of our open positions, please see our jobs page.
If a friend, colleague, or family member has the right skills and passion for one of these positions, please forward them this blog post or share this link with them through Facebook. Thank you, and may you and your family find the blessings of Christ’s Resurrection during these Holy Fifty Days!