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Because Egypt’s future depends on connecting our most extraordinary students with a higher-quality education, Coptic Orphans has launched the iNPower scholarships. This initiative builds on all of the lessons we’ve learned in empowering 30,000 young Egyptians to improve their lives. 

iNPower Scholarships:

  • Fund the tuition of exceptional students who, through their own hard work and Coptic Orphans’ encouragement, are accepted into top-tier government university programs with smaller student-to-teacher ratios, more qualified instructors, and international qualifications
  • Prepare these students to leverage these improved educational opportunities into a better future by coaching them in professional and life skills

iNPower Students:

  • Show exceptionally high academic potential
  • Pass through a rigorous application process
  • Strengthen their volunteer spirit and ties with the Church

Why Now?

iNPower scholarships are urgently needed now because many of the young people Coptic Orphans serves are smart and hard-working enough to make themselves eligible for university. But they desperately need the iNPower scholarship’s extra boost.

iNPower scholarships empower these students to cope with a new and enormous change in Egypt’s public universities: the shift to two tiers. The almost-free but decrepit lower tier traps students in huge classes with poor instruction. The top tier, which iNPower scholarships pay for, features smaller classes and quality instruction. Graduates of the top tier are so sought-after that some firms send recruiters to wait outside classes. Imagine how the life chances of an orphan will improve with a top-tier degree!

iNPower scholarships are already helping to unlock many students’ God-given potential to climb from grinding poverty to self-sufficiency. With your help, we’ll multiply these scholarships and empower more orphans to enter top-tier programs.

What Can I Do?

You can make the future brighter for a promising student – and for Egypt – by donating to the iNPower initiative! To learn more, write to All donations are tax-deductible.

As always, thank you for supporting the work of Coptic Orphans!