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Daniel and his students in his classroom.

A photo is worth 1,000 words

This is another entry in the “A photo is worth 1,000 words” from Serve to Learn volunteers. This one is from Daniel Shoukry, who just got back from the 2019 Jan-Feb Serve to Learn trip. Daniel’s blog is a perfect example of the little moments that happen every day in Egypt during the 3-week service trip. Whether you are teaching these kids about English, health education, or female empowerment, there will be small moments when you realize how much you impact them–and how much they impact you. Applications for this year’s June 15 – July 6 and July 20 – August 10 trips is here. Apply before the April 1 deadline.

Who’s in this photo?
Marina, Marina, Merna, Yustina, Younna, Marina, and me.*

Where was it taken?
In the classroom.

What’s happening in the photo?
They are showing me their Play-Dough project.

How did you feel when it was taken?
Very happy 🙂

Why do you want to remember this moment?
They wanted to give me their project as a gift.

If you could help people understand one thing with this photo, what would it be?
This was the first time I saw many things.

1) This was the first time I saw true cooperation, team work, and sacrifice from the kids.

2) It was the first time I could tell they were listening in class the week prior because they made their project in the shape of my favorite animal (penguin).

3) It was the first time I felt love back from the kids.

To read more Serve to Learn, “A picture is worth 1,000” words posts, here are: Mary, Gina, and Jessica’s posts from past trips. To apply to Serve to Learn click here.

*Names and locations are changed to protect the dignity and privacy of the children.