Orphaned by Conversion?

Coptic Orphans has two criteria for accepting a child into our flagship program, Not Alone: the child’s father must be deceased, or the child’s father abandons the family — such as when the father have converted from Christianity. That’s...
Why Focus on the Fatherless?

Why Focus on the Fatherless?

There is a rapidly spreading concern about an orphan crisis in our day. The most common estimate is that there are 143 million orphans in the world today. Many don’t realize that most of those are paternal orphans, or fatherless children. If the orphan cause...

We’re All Orphans

In this world you are an orphan – eagerly anticipating your adoption as God’s child. In this world you are a widow – longing for reunion with your Bridegroom. In this world you are a stranger – a pilgrim waiting to become a citizen of heaven....