by | Dec 28, 2011 | Approaches to Charity and Development
With most Egypt news focused on Tahrir protests and military brutality, here are some images of the Egypt that continues in the back streets and villages, every day… Masr from Javier Morgade on Vimeo. by | Dec 1, 2011 | Approaches to Charity and Development
His Grace Bishop Angaelos of the UK is a strong supporter of Coptic Orphans,. A several years ago, His Grace gave a speech to an ecumenical group on the Coptic Orthodox Church in development. The speech highlights the strength available when the Church, the place... by | Nov 22, 2011 | Approaches to Charity and Development
Alice Hanna, a longtime supporter and sponsor with Coptic Orphans, shared the poem below to express her sense of God’s protection and care over the flock of Egypt after the events of Maspero. Come to Me, O, you, Martyrs of the Persecuted Church of Egypt,... by | Nov 10, 2011 | Approaches to Charity and Development
After only two days, 800 people have taken the Coptic Diaspora survey so far. Have you? Take it. And come back tomorrow for the second part of yesterday’s post, “What Is Diaspora?” by | Nov 9, 2011 | Approaches to Charity and Development
Yesterday we launched the first large-scale survey of the economic engagement (investment, philanthropic, volunteer, and remittance activity) of Copts living abroad. In the next week or so, look for a series of posts here based on a white paper I authored with Nermien... by | Oct 25, 2011 | Approaches to Charity and Development
Recent Photo that appeared with reports of St. Mary over Cairo and other areas in the wake of the events at Maspero.