‘Pray for Me’

‘Pray for Me’

Dear Friends, I'm excited about the upcoming Serve to Learn trip, which runs July 3-25! In the run-up to that trip, and the next one in early 2016, I'd like to share one of the most moving accounts I've ever read about Serve to Learn. Gabrielle Salib sums up the best...

Coptic Orphans Earns Highest 4-Star Rating from Charity Navigator

Coptic Orphans Earns Highest 4-Star Rating from Charity Navigator

I'm writing today with good news: Coptic Orphans' sound fiscal management practices and commitment to accountability and transparency have earned us a 4-star rating from Charity Navigator, America’s largest independent charity evaluator. This is the fourth consecutive...

Charleston and Samalout: The Connection That Surprises the World

Charleston and Samalout: The Connection That Surprises the World

Yesterday, an intolerant, hate-filled extremist murdered nine Christians — most of them women — as they prayed in their church. Our prayers are with them and their families. It happened in Charleston, South Carolina. But as a Copt, I had to think: "Sounds too...

‘It’s Made My Daughter Proud of Me’

‘It’s Made My Daughter Proud of Me’

Money, money, money. It's easy to think of microfinance only in those terms. But the surprising thing is how our B'edaya microfinance initiative is changing lives in ways that go far beyond money. No one explains this better than Salma. She's the mother of a child in...

4 Biggest Myths About Coptic Orphans

4 Biggest Myths About Coptic Orphans

People get a lot of ideas about Coptic Orphans, some of them reasonable, some of them nutty. Here are the four most common things I hear about Coptic Orphans that make me want to explain, or point to things in our annual report, or tear out my hair. 1. Coptic Orphans...

Great News from Egypt This Mother’s Day

Good news about Egypt is precious these days, so I wanted to share a few wonderful developments that give me a feeling of hope.   I came across the following news this morning in Save the Children's new State of the World's Mothers report, and I thought,  "What a...


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