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“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” – Isaiah 41:10

Good news! With your generous support, Coptic Orphans has so far offered financial, emotional, and logistical support to 126 mothers, children, and Reps stricken by COVID-19. Thank God, to this day, all are safe.

Your support has been so crucial for each person struck by the pandemic, so I’d like to share the story of one family’s recovery from COVID-19, because it shows the difference you made.

Hoda, a mother in Minya, recently had a high fever and felt short of breath. She called the Coptic Orphans Rep, Mariam, who serves her family.

Mariam encouraged Hoda to go straight to the hospital, where she tested positive for COVID-19. Hoda was told to return home immediately and quarantine herself.

However, Hoda feared for her son, who suffers from asthma and an immune system weakened by taking a Hepatitis-C drug. When Mariam learned of the situation, she immediately sprang into action.

First, she helped Hoda move her son out of their tiny house and into a relative’s home, where he would be safe from infection.

Next, to protect the family’s other three children, she provided Hoda with detailed knowledge of how to social distance safely, and with cleaning supplies to keep their home’s surfaces sanitized.

To be sure the family made it through the crisis, Mariam hand-delivered both the cleaning supplies and healthy foods right to the family’s door.

Perhaps most importantly, she checked in on Hoda’s psychological state every day, because she knew that feeling abandoned and uncared-for would further weaken her immune system.

Thank God, all these precautionary measures worked. Hoda recovered. And because Coptic Orphans had your generous support, she also received the financial assistance she needed for her medical expenses.

Hoda’s recovery shows how much Copts can do when we pull together as One Body in Christ. Thank you for being the reason Coptic Orphans was able to support Hoda and her children.

We know this pandemic is far from over. More families will need the support and love you provide. With your help, we can reach more mothers and children! Please donate today.

Thank you, and may God bless you.