The 21 Fellows at Kiniset El Our.
Today’s guest post is from Sophia Bassous, a fellow who attended The 21. She reflects on her meeting with the widows of the 21 Martyrs.
“They wanted to scare us, but they glorified God. Thank God they posted it [the beheading], because now the whole world knows the 21 by name and has witnessed their faith.”
The words of Ibtisam Wilson, the humble wife of Martyr Samuel Alham Wilson, echo with a quiet and unshakable strength. As we celebrate the 10th commemoration of the 21, let us reflect on the faith of Ibtisam, whose unwavering pride in her husband’s sacrifice reveals to us the true victory of the 21 martyrs of Libya—a victory in which we, too, are called to take pride in.
Ibtisam Wilson shared her point of view on the martyrdom with a simple smile, one that reflected her faith, which transcended fear, doubt, and sorrow. The 21 martyrs were kidnapped and tortured before their persecution. Upon receiving news of the abduction, Ibtisam was in disbelief and shock. Yet, after countless days of prayer and pleading with God, she knew in her heart that her husband would become a martyr.
For a wife, a mother of three, to speak with such resolve is to witness the steadfastness of a faith that can’t be shaken. A faith so intense that it extends beyond her personal desire and longing—beyond a wish for Samuel’s return. Instead, her prayers were for God’s will to unfold and for the strength of the 21 to endure. Most of all, Ibtisam found pride in knowing that the 21 glorified Christ’s name through their witness. Her heart, though hurting, sought not her own comfort, but the fulfillment of God’s plan. Her faith did not demand that God’s will align with her own. Rather, she surrendered and submitted into His hands, revealing a silent yet powerful victory.
“I did not know what it meant to taste Jesus until the martyrdom.”
How often, O Lord, do I cling to my own will, struggling to surrender to Yours? How often do I stumble in my trust, forgetting that You are my Shepherd and in You, I shall want for nothing? How often do I become fixated on earthly struggles, forgetting that Your eternal plan is always for my salvation, even in my despair? How often do I lose sight of Your Cross, O Lord, and Your triumph through sacrifice?
O God, help me in my weakness. Teach me to trust as Ibtisam trusted—to pray not for my will, but for Yours to be done. Have mercy on me as you wash away my fears, my doubts, and my selfish desires. Fill my heart with peace that surpasses all understanding, with the courage that allowed Ibtisam to rejoice in the midst of sorrow. O Lord, help me to taste and see that You are good, not only in times of comfort but in the depths of my trials. Teach me, O merciful God, to pray as Ibtisam prayed. Give me the courage to run to You in every struggle and the humility to accept all things from Your loving hands. As the martyrs glorified You in their final breath, let my life glorify You in every moment, until I, too, stand victorious in the faith You have set before me.
Happy Feast of the 21 martyrs of Libya. May their blessings and prayers be with us all. Glory be to God forever. Amen.