by Nermien Riad | Apr 2, 2015 | Diaspora, Serve To Learn
I’ve just received great news: Through the grace of God, two generous donors are offering to send a pair of volunteers on our Serve to Learn trip to Egypt — for free! These donors have agreed to cover the program fee and airfare for two volunteers to take part... by Nermien Riad | Mar 26, 2015 | Serve To Learn
Dear Friends, In January, 12 young people from around the world spent three weeks in Armant, a rural village near Luxor, teaching children basic English skills and offering them character-building mentoring. They went to Egypt as part of Coptic Orphans’ Serve to...
by Nermien Riad | Mar 20, 2015 | Serve To Learn
Dear Friends, In January, 12 young people from around the world spent three weeks in Armant, a rural village near Luxor, teaching children basic English skills and offering them character-building mentoring. They went to Egypt as part of Coptic Orphans’ Serve... by Nermien Riad | Mar 19, 2015 | Issues That Impact Children in Egypt
Dear Friends, Today, I’d like to share my statement at the panel discussion on “Sensitivity Rather than Sensationalism: Western Media Coverage of Human Rights and Religious Issues in the Middle East,” which took place on March 18, 2015 at...
by Nermien Riad | Mar 13, 2015 | Serve To Learn
Dear Friends, January 2015 was a special month in Armant, a small, rural village near Luxor. What made it so special was the meeting of 12 volunteers from around the world with Egyptian children — the world’s most wonderful kids! The volunteers spent three weeks...