Find out how you can help the children in Egypt get access to quality education while doing your holiday shopping!
Dear Friend,
Did you know that last year, generous and conscientious online Christmas buyers and sellers raised over $3,400 for the children in Egypt?
That’s enough to extend the benefits of Coptic Orphans’ programs — quality education, better housing, medical care, mentoring — to 5 new children for a full year. Imagine changing the lives of 5 children just by shopping online!
If you’re anything like me, you’re doing most of your Christmas shopping online. It’s convenient, hassle-free, and it lets you do something that you can’t do in a store — send this ‘free’ money to support the children of Egypt.
Here’s how you can do it. Many online retailers, like Amazon, will donate to the nonprofit of your choice just for shopping on their site. Others, like eBay, give you the option to easily donate every time you buy or sell on their site. It’s free. All you have to do is choose which nonprofit your donation will go to. This year, you can choose Coptic Orphans, so that your Christmas generosity is transformed into quality education, health care, and many other benefits that help children grow up stronger and break the cycle of poverty.
Many online retailers have gift-giving programs, and each one is a little different. To make it easier, I’m going to tell you about the two biggest ones, eBay Giving Works and AmazonSmile.
eBay Giving Works is an easy and convenient way of giving a little bit every time you buy or sell on eBay. The next time you’re about to check out on eBay, you’ll have the opportunity to choose and follow Coptic Orphans from a drop-down menu. Alternatively, you can follow Coptic Orphans on eBay by clicking here. And once you follow us, eBay will save your preferences and you’ll find our name pre-selected for you every time you check out on their site.
Sellers on eBay will have the opportunity to give a percentage of their sales to their favorite nonprofit. eBay will prorate listing fees based off of percentage donated. To learn more about how eBay promotes selling for charities, visit the eBay for Charity page here.
Amazon Smile is very simple. Every time you buy an item using smile.amazon.com, .5% of your purchase goes to a pre-selected nonprofit organization. You don’t have to pay a single extra penny. On your first visit to AmazonSmile, you will be prompted to select a charitable organization from a list of eligible organizations, search for Coptic Orphans and you’re good to go. But remember, this only works if you use smile.amazon.com, so add it to your favorites list!
Thank you for making it part of your family’s Christmas celebration to shop online in this simple, easy, free way that can bring so much joy to children in Egypt!