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The Coptic Orphans talent show, “Copts Got Talent,” was a rousing success in Sydney last weekend. Over 275 attended on May 5 to share their talent and to raise support for fatherless children in Egypt. As a result of the event, 50 more children in Egypt will get sponsors this year. The Coptic Youth Channel covered the event.

The talent show featured comedic acts, poetry recitals, guitar playing, singing and handicrafts, among others. Families were proud of children who performed their talents for the good of Egypt and several remarked,

More events like Copts Got Talent are needed because the youth are the future of the Coptic community in Sydney and their connection with Egypt.

There are many talent shows out there, but Copts Got Talent is truly special for two reasons: Copts are using their God-given talents to glorify Him and to help His beloved children. Second, Copts are coming together to express their great love for Egypt’s Coptic Community, which is in dire need of support during these turbulent days.

Those who participated became the link between the Diaspora in Australia and our brothers and sisters in Christ in Egypt. Organizers are looking forward to Copts Got Talent Australia 2013!

In the meanwhile, stay posted for similar events in Toronto this December and in Chicago next February.