by Nermien Riad | Jan 5, 2023 | Diaspora, International Volunteer Project, Martyr, The 21
Georgia stands in front of the 21 martyrs’ coffins in Al Our. Today’s guest post comes from Georgia Hanna, a fellow who attended The 21 in June of 2022. We asked Georgia to write about her time in Egypt and share the parts of her experience that stood out the most to...
by Nermien Riad | Sep 9, 2022 | Diaspora, International Volunteer Project, The 21
Today’s guest post comes from Jasika Shaker, a fellow who attended The 21 in June 2022. We asked Jasika to write about her time in Egypt and share the parts of her experience that stood out the most to her. In today’s post, Jasika shares what made The 21 different...
by Nermien Riad | Aug 9, 2022 | Diaspora, International Volunteer Project, The 21, Visits to Egypt
Today’s guest post comes from Clara Habib, a fellow who attended The 21 in June 2022. We asked Clara to write about her time in Egypt and share the parts of her experience that stood out the most to her. In today’s post, Clara shares what she learned about the...
by Nermien Riad | Aug 20, 2015 | Approaches to Charity and Development, Diaspora, International Volunteer Project, Serve To Learn
Dear Friends, A few weeks ago, 25 Serve to Learn volunteers from five different countries came together in Egypt for three weeks to serve, teach, and play with the world’s greatest kids! A lot of things happened during those three weeks… including an epic...