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I was on Facebook the other day and saw this picture. The tears in this little girl’s eyes sum up the situation in Egypt for me, yet the quote struck me.

There is so much suffering.

Basma* is terrified to go to school even fully veiled. She has to brave intimidation on the way, and unfair treatment as a Christian at the school.

And 6-year old Samy* is worn out waiting in line for five hours every day, just so he can bring home some subsidized eish balady bread.

But just below the picture, there’s a quote from Scripture: “In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” – (John 16:33, ESV)

Our Lord’s promise is that He has already overcome and we have proof of that.

This year, every single one of our children got access to the highest quality health services. Children from the poorest villages in Egypt are accustomed to sharing their home with live stock and always being sick. Now they get access to medical care: not at government hospitals, but the best care available.

We’ve also seen dramatic academic success. Marina got a full scholarship to go to the American University of Cairo, a rare accomplishment. And others are rising to the tops of their classes.

But if Christ has really overcome all suffering, why does there seem to be so much more of it in Egypt these days?

Because there’s still one missing piece. Christ chose to show his overcoming power in the world through us, His Body. We are His hands and feet.

For everything you are doing for Egypt’s orphaned, take heart and press forward. We have Christ’s great promise of victory on our side: “In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

*Names changed to protect the dignity and privacy of our children.